Inspired by the celebrated comic series Batman: Last Knight on Earth by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, The Last Knight Q-Fig Elite figure by Quantum Mechanix presents Bruce Wayne twenty years in the future, rumbling through an apocalyptic wasteland that was once Gotham City.
QMX brings a Batman, clad in a modified Arkham straight jacket and a handmade bat cowl, Batman wanders a devastated landscape carrying only a glass lantern containing the head of a seemingly alive and very talkative Joker. The Dark Knight propels off a ferocious-looking gargoyle, eager to take on criminals and villains who threaten the peace of Gotham City.
Standing approximately 4" tall including the dioramic base, The Last Knight is a step beyond what has previously been possible in small-scale collectible figures. This highly detailed figurine by Quantum Mechanix comes packaged in a collector-friendly display window box.
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